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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Yoga Mudra

Yoga mudras are part of the Indian art of yoga. Yoga Mudra is a Sanskrit word meaning “seal” or “gesture”. The word mudra means the way of holding the fingers in a certain way during worship. The fingers are the capital of yoga mudra practice.

Dhanvandri mentions these Mudras in his book “Dhanvandri Vaidyam 1000”. Dhanvandri suggests that to do the yoga mudras, one should relax the body, sit in a clean and quiet place, and do the yoga mudras with both hands relaxed on the knees.

Each yoga mudra is unique. Each of these mudras has inner meanings.

Mudra exercises are done with five fingers of our hands. Yoga says that these fingers also represent the ” Panchapudham”.

  • Thumb is fire,
  • Index finger air,
  • Middle finger to the sky,
  • The ring finger is earth
  • The little finger represents water.
  • It is good to sit in Padmasana and do yoga mudras.
  • People who don’t have time can do this while sitting in the office, standing, or traveling.
  • Mudras need not be pressed with a finger. A gentle touch is enough.
  • All mudras core represent fire. Therefore, the thumb should be attached.
  • Start doing 10-15 minutes initially and then increase the duration. Do it for up to 45 minutes and you will get good results.
  • Doing it with left hand for right side organs and right hand for left side organs gives good results.

Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana

Increases flexibility and mobility:

Yoga Mudrasana strengthens the muscles and joints around the hips, thighs, knees, ankles, abdomen, shoulders, arms and upper chest. It gives more flexibility and mobility to those joints and muscles.

Strengthens the internal organs of the abdomen:

The posture we sit during yoga mudra strengthens the internal organs of the abdomen such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas and adrenal glands. Through this, the performance of these organs is improved.

Helps cure diseases:

Yoga Mudra helps in treating conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and heart diseases.

Prevents lower back pain, sciatica pain and shoulder disorders.

Relieves stress-related problems

This mind condition of yoga posture prevents and drives away stress, depression and anxiety.

It improves autonomic nervous function and strengthens the parasympathetic nervous system. This prevents many diseases like high blood pressure.

Yoga mudra regulates the chakras and kundalini in the body.
