About Us

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.


Unani medicine is a Perso-Arabic traditional medicine practiced in Muslim culture in South Asia and Central Asia. This Perso-Arabic system of medicine was based on the teachings of the Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen.

Unani medicine is based on four doshas:

It provides us with promotional, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services.

The basic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods of Unani medicine are not only based on scientific principles but also based on holistic concepts.

Accordingly, it emphasizes the health of a person’s body, mind and soul.

In the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, much emphasis is placed on patient characteristics. The idea is put forward that the most suitable diet and lifestyle are necessary to improve the health of a particular person.


Unani physicians place primary importance on diet and digestive status in both one’s health and illness. Specific dietary regimens are recommended during treatment according to the patient’s temperament. Proper foods are considered to produce good doshas ( Akhlā\Ṣāliḥa ), while improper foods produce bad doshas ( Akhlā\ Radiyya ). Therefore, the imbalance of doshas can be corrected with proper diet and medicine.

Traditional Unani medicine prescribes proven “regimen” therapies (Tadapir) in the treatment of various chronic and acute diseases.

The purpose of these procedures is to remove the impure blood or impurities from the body in which blood is removed from the body.
