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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Sperm Disorders

The fact that impotence and infertility for men are increasing in recent times, which threatens the very foundation of mankind, has come to light according to the research results taken all over the world.

Impotence refers to the inability of a man to engage in fully satisfying sexual activity. There are many physiological and psychological reasons for this deficiency.

Infertility refers to the reduced or complete absence of an ability to produce a child.

Infertility is not only a woman’s problem. It can happen to men too.

Infertility in men is due to defects in the spermatozoa.

Defects detected by Semen Analysis.

  • Absence of sperm in semen (Azoospermia).
  • Very low number of sperms (Oligospermia).
  • Even though spermatozoa are present in the semen, they cannot move and are seen in an inactive state. (Sperm Abnormalities)


The term virility has been attributed to men’s prowess, personality, and ability to produce a child since the Sangam period. But the risk to men’s virility is slowly increasing. According to recent statistics, the number of sperm capable of producing a child for men has halved over the past 50 years.


Causes of defects in the production of spermatozoa
  • Absence of one or both of the sperm-producing testicles in the scrotum.
  • As a result of viral diseases such as measles, and mumps in childhood, the testicles become infected and lose the ability to produce sperms, and damage the very fine tubes from which the sperms come out.
  • Testicles can produce sperm only if there is less heat inside the scrotum.
  • Although there are natural arrangements in the body to protect the testicles from heat, working near stoves and boilers that emit a lot of heat, wearing tight underwear, and working for long hours in the sun increase the heat in the scrotum and affect sperm production.
  • Sperms can be affected by the heat emitted by the laptop when it is placed on the thigh and used.
  • sperm production is affected by reasons, such as blood clots due to injury on the testicles, swelling of the testicles due to some diseases, thickening of the blood vessels that carry blood to the testicles (Varicocele), excessive water accumulation in the scrotum (Hydrocele), torsion of the testicles inside the scrotum and elephantiasis.
  • Diseases such as severe tuberculosis, diabetes, and sexually transmitted diseases that are not completely cured also reduce the production of spermatozoa.
  • Spermatozoa, develop in various stages very delicately. This development requires the stimulation of various hormones. Abnormal functioning of the glands that secrete these hormones can cause problems in the production of sperm.
  • Habits like smoking cigarettes, regular use of drugs, alcoholism, etc. decrease the production of sperm.
  • Estrogen, a female hormone, plays an increasing role in reducing sperm production.
    Synthetic estrogens are administered to cattle for faster growth and increased milk production. While humans take that milk, estrogen is added to the body. Apart from that, the amount of estrogen added to our body is increasing through the many beauty products, shampoos, and some processed foods that we use.
  • Increasing environmental pollution, toxic fumes and wastes from factories, chemical pesticides etc. have turned into an evil force that destroys the production of sperm, which is the basis for the development of mankind.

Medical Solution

The men’s virility under threat due to impotence, Azoospermia, Oligospermia, and defect sperms can be completely cured with the help of integrative medicine.

When the physiological and psychological causes of impotence are identified and eradicated with the help of these medicines, the impotence will disappear and sexual enhancement will appear.

The function of integrative medicine to correct the deficiency of spermatozoa is threefold.

  • To activate the highly contracted testicles and produce spermatozoa.
  • Removal of blockages in the testicles.
  • Increases sperm production.

It can be proven with proper clinical evidence that not only male infertility and impotence, but also various other causes of female infertility can be cured entirely by choosing Homoeo, Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani medicines given in a combined form as integrated medicine.

Diseases that cannot be cured by a single system of medicine can be entirely cured by the integrated system of medicine.
