Factors that reduce and block this blood flow to the penis
- Chronic and uncontrolled diabetes.
Both diabetes and erectile dysfunction are closely related. Poor blood sugar control can permanently destroy sexual function at a very young age. - Narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels in the penis [Atherosclerosis].
- Faulty nerve problems that allow blood to evacuate the penis too quickly.
- Hormonal Imbalances
- The mind is more important than the body for sexual function. An important cause is the loss of sexual arousal from the brain.
- Psychological reasons include stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, fear of sex, rejection or disrespect by your spouse or partner, childhood sexual abuse, and performance anxiety.
- Testosterone, the male hormone, is an important hormone for the sexual function of men. When it decreases in the body due to many reasons, it causes physical and mental sexual dysfunction.
- Vascular processes leading to erection are controlled by our nervous system. Medicines taken for certain diseases reduce the nerve signals that cause erectile dysfunction.
- Poor sexual communication with your partner and differences in sexual preferences can be the triggers.
- A study conducted a few years ago found that 90% of men with erectile dysfunction had at least one of these risk factors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, alcohol and drug addiction, and smoking.
Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction in men and women also experience other types of sexual problems.