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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.


Homeopathy is the second largest medical practice in the world. In a survey conducted in our country, 90 % of people consider homeopathy as a reliable method of treatment.

Homeopathy is a system that works on the principle of “like cures like” (Removing thorn by using thorn).

It means “For a disease when substances producing symptoms similar to that disease are given as potentized medicine, it will cure that disease”.

For example, when you peel onions, you may experience frequent sneezing, watery eyes and nose, hoarse throat, and itchy nose and eyes.

When we catch a cold, in the initial stages, we experience all the symptoms mentioned above.

For cold, in Homeopathy medicine, Allium cepa, extracted from onion, is given to cure a cold.

Similarly, in homeopathy, tens of thousands of homeopathic medicines have been proven by the method “Drug proving” to cure everything from the common cold to cancer by administering these medicinal substances to humans or using the symptoms exhibited by people who have already taken them.

Molecules for homeopathic medicines are obtained from various materials such as plants, natural substances, animals, marine life, minerals, minerals, metals, and even snake venom to make homeopathic medicines.

The homeopathic approach to disease is medicine for a whole person, not for diseases. [Holistic approach].

Homeopathy’s unique from any medical system in the world is it treats each patient first giving importance to the mental symptoms and then physical symptoms.

For example, for chronic headaches, if 100 people come for treatment, like any other medical system, it is not possible to treat everyone with the same medicine. Each person needs a different remedy in Homeopathy. This is because each and every one reacts differently to headaches and is not the same.

Like this thousands of such thoughts will appear in everyone’s mind. This is human nature. Similarly, for the same disease, each person’s body will show different physical symptoms.

Along with these unique mental symptoms and the physical symptoms of each individual are also analyzed and the medicine is selected and the complete cure is obtained.

This is how Homeopathy approaches every patient.

Benefits of Homeopathy:
