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Hernia in Childrens

Among the many defects that require surgery in Infants and children, an important one is a hernia.

A hernia is a protrusion of a part of the intestine or its related parts through a small opening in the abdomen.

Hernia can occur when children are born (Congenital Hernia), or when children grow. More common in boys than girls, this defect affects approximately 20 children per 1,000 children. In most of the children, the symptoms of this defect can be seen before the end of the first year, especially within six months of birth.

The hernia is more common on the right side (60%) than on the left (30%), with some children having both sides (10%). Generally, this defect is more common in premature infants.

How does it happen?

A few weeks before or after the baby is born, the mouth of the opening called the inguinal canal, which is on both sides of the baby’s abdomen, is naturally covered by a membrane. Hernia occurs when these membranes become loose without closing.

Due to chronic cough in children, obstruction of the urinary tract while urinating, straining to pass stool due to constipation like many reasons, the pressure inside the abdomen (Intra Abdominal Pressure) increases, the external membranes become loose and paves the way for Hernia.


The first symptom that can easily be recognized by the parents of the child is a small swelling of the size of a goli soda ball on the right or left side where the meeting point of the inner side of the thigh and the lower abdomen. This swelling is not always seen continuously. This swelling is best seen when the baby cries, and strains to urinate or defecate.

In older children, this swelling occurs when doing some strenuous work or exercise such as riding a bicycle or lifting something heavy. When the child is lying down, there is no sign of this swelling.

Whether it is an infant or an older child, only a little pain is felt in the early stages of a Hernia. Then the swelling becomes painless, and as days go by, the swelling grows and begins to descend into the scrotum little by little.

A very large hernia can cause serious complications such as an Obstructed Hernia or a Strangulated Hernia, requiring immediate surgery. Symptoms such as severe pain, abdominal distension and vomiting are seen in this condition.

No surgery required

Integrative medicine can completely cure Hernia in children without surgery.

If these integrative drugs are given to children without delay after they start showing signs of hernia, this defect can be corrected within six months. These medications may need to be given for a few more months

If the swelling is very large, if it is in a condition that can cause severe damage, or if there is no improvement after taking medication for a few months, surgery is unavoidable.

The action of integrative medicines to hernia is in two ways.

  • Prevents bowel prolapse by reducing excess pressure inside the abdomen.
  • Strengthens the loose tissues in the inguinal canal.

The action of integrative medicine that corrects hernia is slightly slower. Some children may take a month or two to see improvement. At first, the reduction of swelling and the frequency of protruding decrease, and then the swelling is barely visible.

Then gradually it also starts to decrease and at one stage the child recovers completely without the slightest symptom of a hernia. These integrated medicines also prevent this defect from returning.

Some children have both hernia and hydrocele. For those children, drugs for both diseases can be treated at the same time to cure.

Hernia not only in children but also in adults can be completely cured by integrative medicine in the early stages.
