About Us

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Founder & Chairman

Dr. N. Muthaian, D.H.M.S., M.D [ Hom ]., the Founder and Chairman of the Shiva Ayush Hospital and Research Centre, is a Homeopath, who graduated from his U.G at White Memorial Homeopathic Medical College and P.G at Ahmedabad Homeopathic Medical College.

He has been a firm believer and doing medical research in the integrated medicine concept for the past 31 years. At his medical research centre, from the beginning, he has been very interested and specialized in treating and curing chronic and incurable diseases which have been declared incurable by the other systems of medicine, through the integrated system of medicine.

He started his medical practice in the year 1991.

In the initial period of practice, treatment given was Homeopathic system medicine alone.

As an enthusiastic young physician, he expected all of his patients to have a rapid and permanent cure.

Dr. N.Muthaian, D.H.M.S ., M.D [ Hom ].,

Founder & Chairman

In day-to-day practice, he realized that the many patients he treated had partial improvement of complaints and the success rate of cure was not a satisfying one.

He tried all the aspects of his system of medicine.

After some period, analysis of the old patient’s details revealed, that for many of them, there was no expected improvement in their condition

From his college days, he has been in constant touch with his doctor’s friends, who are practicing other systems of medicine like Siddha, Ayurveda, and also Allopathy.

While discussing the case of the failed patient’s history with his doctor friends, it was shocking to find that they also faced the same problem in their line of treatment.

These medical friends, when they consulted and discussed in detailed analysis about their unprogressive patients and the effectiveness of their system of medicine, they find out that, “a single system of medicine works well for some symptoms of a particular disease, and that it is ineffective for some other symptoms and similarly other systems of medicine work”.

They suspected, that in a single system of medicine, this could be an important reason why a patient does not fully recover from the effects of the disease.

As an experiment, they decided to give a combination of two systems of drugs as integrated medicine to an eligible patient who had failed to recover from a single medicinal regimen.

Now in Doctor’s words

“I still remember the first case we treated in that integrated method was Chronic Sinusitis. The patient had suffered for 20 years with frequent colds, severe headaches, nasal catarrh, post-nasal discharge, and nasal block.

He tried all systems of medicine, including one surgical procedure with no relief.

We thoroughly analyzed the patient’s history and discussed among ourselves various aspects, such as which system of medicine works best for his symptoms, what to do to prevent a recurrence and boost immunity and select Siddha and Homeo medicines as per his symptoms. We explained this new integrated method and with his approval, we gave him both medicines simultaneously.

We kept him under our constant surveillance every day. To our surprise, he got partial relief from all his symptoms in 15 days and improved his condition day by day, and made a complete cure in a continuous 6 months of treatment. His sinus problems never returned.

Whenever I saw him, he got emotional and told me that “I was in a state of despair that I was destined to suffer with this disease for the rest of my life. But I can’t believe the miracle that you have saved me from this disease, thank you very much, thank you”.

He tells his story to others and keeps referring people who are suffering from various diseases like him to us.

That patient’s success, not only opened up new hope for us to cure incurable diseases and also motivated us to discover the benefits of other medical systems and integrate them.

Then we tried this integrated medicine for many diseases that failed in other medical methods. Its success rate made us excited.

We came to the conclusion that “every single system of medicine works only to a certain extent for each individual disease and the action of another medical system on the same disease corrects the part that the first medical system cannot repair and ultimately cures the disease”.

We bring together, like-minded medical professionals with experience and expertise in every medical field and integrate them into our medical team.

We discuss what are the best drugs in their medical systems, for which diseases they work best, advantages, disadvantages, and limitations.

We select the best medicine from all medical systems, integrate them and give for each individual disease and patient, to attain complete cure. We are witnessing cure in front of our eyes every day.

Now the world around has only just started talking few years about the benefits of integrative medicine. But since 30 years ago, we have been researching and realizing the benefits of integrative medicine and have been implementing it successfully.

With our more than 30 years of experience in integrative medicine, we have proven that we have been curing thousands of patients completely with proper medical evidence.
