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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Female Infertility

Infertility is the inability to produce a new organism naturally. If a woman’s ovaries can’t produce an egg, she can’t get pregnant.

Infertility refers to a woman’s inability to conceive naturally. It is more likely to occur in women over the age of 35. Another reason is that sometimes women get pregnant but miscarry during a period of time when the embryo does not develop.

Steps in Human Reproduction Process

  • One of the two ovaries releases a mature egg.
  • The ovum is transported through the fallopian tube.
  • The sperm swims through the cervix and reaches the egg.
  • The fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
  • The fertilized egg attaches and develops inside the uterus.

Common Reasons

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Marry at an older age: Women above 35 years of age have a gradual decline in fertility.
  • Obesity, lack of physical activity
  • Legacy problem
  • Poor diet
  • Infection
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking
  • Menstrual cycles that are too long (35 days or more), too short (less than 21 days), irregular or absent are signs that the ovaries are preventing the release of eggs.
  • Excessive stress
  • Thyroid problem and other hormonal problems.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): High androgen levels prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs. This causes small cysts to form in the vagina. It is a common condition that affects hormones. It causes irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne and infertility.
  • Endometriosis: The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. During menstruation, the lining of the endometrium is shed through the vagina. In endometriosis, pieces of the endometrium form in places other than the inside of the uterus. These lumps can form in the ovaries or sometimes in the fallopian tubes, genitalia, peritoneum or intestines. Endometriosis can cause pelvic pain or severe menstrual cramps, pain during intercourse, and infertility.
  • Uterine fibroids: A growth of muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. These growths are usually not cancerous. Fibroids vary in size, number and location. It is heavy, painful bleeding during menstruation. Bleeding between periods. Frequent urination, pain during intercourse. Hip Pain. It also causes constipation.
  • Blocked fallopian tube: Blocked fallopian tube blocks the passage of sperms to the eggs and the passage of the fertilized egg back to the uterus. It causes pelvic pain or severe menstrual cramps, pain during intercourse, infertility.

Treatment Methods

  • Proper treatment of infection if present.
  • By correcting menstrual problems, the embryo is released every month and ready for fertilization.
  • The wife is not the only cause of infertility, the husband should also be tested and treated if there is a problem.
  • Many causes of infertility such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine tumors, fallopian tube blockage, vaginal discharge can be treated accurately and completely with this integrated medical system.
  • Obesity is a major cause of infertility. Losing weight through the golden triangle of exercise, diet, and medication increases the chances of conceiving easily.
  • Excessive stress is caused by multi-pronged attacks such as everyone asking if it has been so many months since the marriage and there is no child yet, gossiping, giving advice and remedies for free, putting off family matters, comparing with other couples, longing that one will not be blessed with a child. These also prevents child bearing. Homeo medicines work well for this depression.
  • By correcting thyroid problems and other hormonal problems, their underlying causes through integrative medicine, a major barrier to infertility is removed.
  • About 30 out of 100 infertile couples have no known reason for infertility, that is, both husband and wife have no or undiagnosed medical problems, but are still infertile. This integrative medicine works well for both couples in this category, with the principle of individuality medicine.
  • Whatever is the underlying cause of impeding the fertility process, through AYUSH integrated medical treatments like Homeo, Siddha, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga etc., you will surely be blessed with a child by breaking down the physical and mental obstacles.