About Us

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Concept of Integration

Analyzing the patient’s body, mind, and emotional symptoms then finding out and selecting, which system of medicine works better on each and every symptom and the selected best medicines are integrated and administered to the patient, he is cured in a complete way.

Each and every medical system has its own merits and demerits and also uniqueness.

We integrate the merits and uniqueness of every medical system; Homeopathy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, acupuncture, Varma, yoga mudra, physiotherapy, and also Allopathy for emergencies.

No single medical system in the world can fulfill the entire aspects of the disease and cure the disease completely.

For a particular disease, each method of medicine may work, some better, some only partially better, and some completely ineffective. This applies to all medical systems in the world.

A single system of medicine works only to a certain extent on each individual disease. The action of another medical system to the same illness corrects the part which the first medical method cannot fix and ultimately cures the disease.

For example, if the kidney stones to be dissolved by drugs without surgery, it should be done in four steps of action.

If the above four actions combinedly take place in our body, then only the renal stone has to be dissolved, and further stone formation will be prevented.

In this, dissolving and flushing out parts can be nicely done with Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines.

The fundamental cause correction and prevention parts can be done perfectly with Homeo medicines.

If these two or three systems of medicine are integratedly given altogether to renal stone patients, the desired cure will be quick and perfect.

For each disease, we medical professionals in our respective medical fields determine which symptoms our medical method works best for.

Like that, we are here curing all the diseases by an integrated system of medicine, especially diseases failed by another system of medicine, chronic diseases, certain surgical diseases, and diseases declared incurable.

It has been proven for above 30 years by experienced doctors in the relevant medical systems that even if many systems of medicines are combinedly given to the same patient, these medicines do not cause any adverse reactions or side effects. Importantly multiple systems of medicines never react to each other with them.

We treat patients in a holistic way that we consider every individual as a whole person that consists not only of the body and also the mind, spirit, and emotions.

We also gain knowledge from our team of expert doctors in other systems of medicine.

The disease can be cured entirely only by combining the advantages of all the medical systems and waging war on each individual disease.

No medical system in this world is the enemy of other medical systems. We never neglect the other system of medicine, which really soothes the patient. All medical systems have been invented to serve mankind. There is no such thing as a harmful medical system.

But every medical system has its limits. If it crosses its boundaries, that system may fail.

We clearly understand the limitations through our several decades of clinical experience.

The Integrated System of medicine also has limitations, but compared to the other single system of medicine, its success rate and limitations are vast.

Treatment at our hospital is a truly human experience.
