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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.


1) What is asthma?

Asthma, variously known as wheezing, is a disease that can repeatedly affect the lungs. During an asthma attack, the airways in the lungs constrict and produce more mucus.

2) Who gets asthma?

It can be started at any age from birth. This disease affects children the most and does not leave even as they are grown. Its intensity increases throughout life. Asthma is not contagious from one person to another.

3) What are the causes for asthma?

Asthma can be a hereditary trait in families. But not all family members have to be affected. Only a few people in the family are affected.

Asthma can also be non-hereditary for a few people. Allergies and environment and our lifestyle are the main reasons for this.

Asthma itself occurs due to a decrease in our immune system, be it genetic or other reasons.

4) What are the triggers for asthma?

– Cold air.

– Sudden climate changes.

– Long-term dust deposits on cloth and materials.

– Allergy-inducing substances such as pollen from flowers, fungi, and all dust.

– Hair from pet dogs and cats.

– Strong Odours such as talcum powder, cent, and also which are used as spices in cooking.

– Cigarette smoke, petrol, diesel smoke.

– Feelings of anger, fear, anxiety.

– Mental disorders such as stress.

– Physical activity such as exercise.

5) What are the symptoms of asthma?

Asthma symptoms are usually worse at night than during the day.

  • Cough: Asthma cough is not like a normal cough but may be continuous and increase at a particular time every day.
  • Wheezing: Breathing is irregular and difficult to inhale and exhale.
  • Whistling Sound: A whistling sound occurs from the chest while breathing.
  • Chest Tightness: Feeling as if someone is sitting on the chest and as if there is a weight.

6) What are the effects of asthma?

Chronic asthma causes the lungs to lose their ability to contract and expand, leading to pulmonary dysfunction and various diseases that can easily attack the lungs.

Losing the normal and natural way of life and leaving everything aside (favourite food. soft drinks, curd, snow, rain, etc.) and living aloof.

Asthma patients usually live in a condition where they can only survive if they take medicine daily for the rest of their lives. And with increasing age, the effectiveness of the drugs decreases and finally they reach a terrible state where the drugs do not work.

7) What is the treatment for asthma?

Treatment for asthma can be categorized into two.

  • Instant relief in times of trouble
  • Treatment method to cure asthma without recurrence.

Most of the asthma patients are taking immediate and temporary relief treatment methods such as asthma control drugs, inhalers, nebulisers, etc.

Due to this, with increasing age, the amount of medicine taken is increasing and the situation is not even possible to live without medicine / inhaler, and also they are suffering from the side effects of medicines.

8) Can asthma be completely cured?

Integrative ayush medicine can prevent asthma recurrence and cure it completely.

This medicinal system increases the body’s natural immune system to provide quick and complete relief from the effects of asthma in the early stages and gradually in chronic and advanced stages. Depending on the effect of asthma, these medicines can be taken for a specified period and then stopped.

While taking medication, foods and habits that have been avoided for triggering asthma can be gradually brought back to a normal lifestyle.

If you make yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation a part of your daily life, they will improve your body and mind.

When done continuously, certain yoga mudras strengthen the respiratory system.

With this integrated ayush medicine without any side effects or adverse effects, you can get a permanent cure from chronic asthma.
