Due to hereditary, at an early age, which is known as a genetic cause, the hair that should fall after aging in men, starts shedding more and faster at a young age, and the head becomes bald.
Why Male pattern baldness at a young age?
Hereditary is the fundamental cause, well at the period of our ancestor’s, hair loss started at age 60, then gradually reduced to the age of 40, 20, now many people start losing hair at school going age, and completely bald before college graduation.
Hereditary hair loss can start at any age. Once the shedding starts, empty the hair completely and leave the head deserted.
The main reasons for the triggering early onset of hereditary hair loss are our hectic lifestyle, the increasing amount of chemicals in our essential needs such as breathing air, eating food, drinking water, and the secretion of excess hormones in our body.
After some serious health problems such as typhoid, dengue, measles, pneumonia, chickenpox, diarrhoea, especially now corona, severe hair loss will occur.
Due to excessive secretion of sebum, an oily substance secreted by the scalp, it clogs the hair follicles and prevents hair growth. This is what we call dandruff.
Most people blame water as the cause of hair loss. This is due to the high alkaline / acidity of the water.
The excessive or underactive thyroid gland can also cause excessive hair loss.
Medications taken regularly for certain diseases can also cause hair loss.
Prolonged periods of stress and depression increase hair loss. Mainly 10th & 12th students have high hair loss due to this.
Protein and iron play an important role in the hair growth cycle. The deficiency of these nutrients causes a change in the hair cycle and hair starts falling out early.
Previously, women did not shed their hair as bald as men, and the thickness and density of the hair decreased only. But now women are just like men, total hair loss is increasing.
Women shed more hair in conditions like anaemia, PCOS, pregnancy, and after childbirth.
Some women also tend to tie their hair tightly in certain types of hairstyles, causing hair to fall out easily.