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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs in the brain. Its 3 main symptoms are inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

Attention Deficit: Age-related lack of attention (difficulty sustaining attention), difficulty listening to others.

Impulsivity: Interferes with others frequently.

Hyperactivity: unable to stay still in one place but always in constant motion; Sometimes running or climbing with no apparent goal other than movement.

Some children naturally have a higher activity level than others. Children should not be classified as having ADHD simply because they are different from their friends or siblings. A key point in diagnosis is that symptoms should be similar in the home and school environments.

Doctors can spot ADHD children, with this defect after spending some time with them. But parents won’t accept it. Even in my hospital, I have seen many children, who came for other disorders, after watching for 5 minutes, and after explaining about this defect to the parents, tell that it looks like your child has ADHD, but they are not able to accept it. There are many people who scolded me with great anger, saying the giving the reasons that appeared to them that it’s just a little child, It gets better with age, we raised him a little too fondly, he was born after a long time. But a few years later, the same parents, you told me then, feel guilty that we didn’t listen, and the children are brought in for ADHD treatment.

There is no need to fear if the child has this defect. “If this defect is detected in childhood, it can be corrected. Otherwise, the child will have to grow up with this defect. A study says that one in three children with ADHD will grow up with this problem!

Common Reasons

  • Genetic and environmental factors
  • Hereditary factors
  • Toxins and infection during pregnancy
  • Brain damage
  • Artificial food dyes
  • Drinking alcohol during pregnancy, certain types of drugs


  • Inattentiveness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity
  • Children who are very active and fussy and thus get more complaints from people near school and home.
  • Difficulty sitting still in the classroom or other situations
  • Interrupting other people’s conversations, games or activities
  • Trouble playing or doing an activity calmly
  • Switching from one task to another without completing any task
  • Making careless mistakes in schoolwork
  • Trouble concentrating on tasks or play
  • Appearing not to listen even when speaking directly
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Failure to complete school work or assignments
  • Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
  • Avoiding tasks that require focused mental effort, such as homework
  • Forgetting chores
  • Excessive tremors in arms or legs while sitting
  • Difficulty waiting his turn at school and social games

Prevention Methods

  • During pregnancy, avoid anything that can harm the development of the fetus. For example, alcohol, drugs, and unnecessary medications.
  • Protect your baby from pollutants and toxins, including cigarette smoke and lead paint.
  • People with this deficiency should eat less amount of sweet things, colored things, junk foods which are highly stimulating to the brain.
  • In the first five years of life it may be prudent for children to avoid excessive addiction to cell phones, TV and video games. Excessive use of these electronic devices can exacerbate this deficiency. Strictly limit screen time.

Treatment Methods

  • Treatment for ADHD in children includes medication, behaviour therapy, social skills training, and parenting skills training counseling. These treatments can relieve many symptoms of ADHD.
  • Medicines are very important in this. The combined action of homeo and ayurvedic medicines in this integrative medicine completely cures attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. The earlier we start giving these drugs, the sooner we can correct this deficiency. The chance of complete recovery diminishes with increasing age.
  • Meditation, yoga and yoga mudras to help manage stress.
  • Immediate rewards for good behavior or work.
  • Children should be involved in group sports to prevent mental problems.
  • Good progress is made when these drugs are combined with treatments that focus on trying to change behavior.
  • Medicines prescribed for children using the integrated Ayush system of medicine in the treatment of ADHD are very safe.

People with ADHD are smarter than other children. The greatest strength of people with ADHD is their IQ level! An average person has an IQ of 100-110; However, it can exceed 130 for those with ADHD.

If this intelligence is channeled in the right way they will later become great achievers and their lives will be very good. It is in our hands.

For example, 28 times Olympic medalist Michael Phelps (Micheal Phelps), famous dancer Karina Smirnoff (Karina Smirnoff), Oscar-winning actor Will Smith (Will Smith), famous physicist Stephen Hawkings (Stephen Hawkings) are many people who have achieved in their field. People with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. In contrast, some of the world’s greatest criminals also suffer from this disorder.
